Sunday, September 17, 2006

What can you do with a BA in English?

I am beginning to think that I am NEVER going to escape the nefarious folds of Company X.

As you may have guessed, I did not pass the spelling test; and while I don’t remember exactly how many words I was asked to spell, I somehow got 17 wrong. 17.

It’s enough to make a grown woman cry…oh wait, I am a grown woman, and I HAVE been crying.

But rather than give up, I will press on bravely into the night, I mean, the job force. I WILL find that next, better paying job, where I like my coworkers and I do not feel like I am dying a little bit inside each day.

You might be surprised to know, that in addition to applying outside Company X, I have also been looking within the company as well, in hopes that maybe, it is just the banal task of my current job that is bothering me…well that and the DAMN Christmas countdown.

So when a woman from HR called me the other day with news of a job opening that might fit my skills, I jumped at the opportunity. Company X was anxious to fill the role, so HR set up the interview for the next day-leaving me little time to prepare. The day of the interview arrived; and, as I do with every interviews, I wore my best (and only) suit and brushed my hair.

I arrived early, and when Vice President R appeared, I firmly shook his hand and confidently introduced myself. I then followed him to his office and sat down where I was instructed. Normal pleasantries were then exchange, before R launched into his questions.

The interview started well, however, things took a discernable turn for the worse when VP R asked if I was a “glass is half full or glass is half EMPTY” kind of person.

“Well R,” I said, “I think that in life, I am generally a glass is half FULL kind of person; however, I am also realistic, and I know that there is always the possibility that something happens to the glass- so I believe it is important to anticipate that, and be ready to creatively fix the problem, or glass.”

Silently, R sat back in his chair, considering my answer, then, after inhaling quietly R replied:

“Actually, the way I would have answered that question, is the glass is FULL. Half water, half air-and YOU need to figure out what innovative things you can do with the AIR to stay ahead of your competition.”


Air......AIR! First of all, if I was interviewing someone and they gave me a bull shit answer like that, I would be forced to punch them in the face. Secondly, when you asked me that asinine question about the glass-you asked if it were half full, or half empty. THOSE were my choices. At that rate, I might as well have said, that rather than pour my water into a glass, I would rather consider a Nalgene bottle; because Nalgene water bottles are durable, and built to withstand the elements. Plus, they can easily survive a nasty fall down the stairs. I mean REALLY. Who IS this guy?!?

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At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Security Steve and I were extremely impressed by your answer. And you should have punched that jerk in the face. Who cares how he would have answered it-- he's not being interviewed. You wouldn't want to work for him anyway-- he's not looking for your creativity-- he's looking for a cardboard cutout of himself! And the world doesn't nbeed that!

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Jules said...

Sheesh! Do you really want to be working for a company that has such a wanker working so high up the food chain? Seriously, if stupid answers like that are what get you ahead at that company, you really need to get out of there ASAP.

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Beth Danae said...

Oh, don't get me started, that is exactly the insane bullshit that companies run on, it's why crappy books like 'who moved my cheese' actually sell, peeves me to no end... Give me that guys email address I got a few things to say.

He represents what is wrong with the world and so we must take him down for the cause, to make a point!!

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Little Miss Westchester said...

Thanks Peeps! Am I right?!

These corporate folks are nuttier than a Klondike Bar.

If only I could escape the madness!


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