Tuesday, March 13, 2007

He Sham-rock's my office environment.

In a turn of events that I could not have seen coming, Coworker X has proved to be a nice guy-as well as a cutie mc’ cutie pants…forget I just said that.

Earlier today, in a conversation about St. Patrick’s Day, I asked Coworker X if he would like to make a Shamrock Shake run with me today (translation: take a trip to McDonald’s to get a shake). X replied that he is, unfortunately, lactose intolerant and is not be able to drink shakes.

I told him that this was unfortunate, not only because he is missing out on one of the best food groups available (translation: cheese), but also because Shamrock Shakes are a delicacy…and only available one month out of the year. I then proceeded to make a strong case as to why, I believe, Shamrock Shakes should be given their own spot on the food pyramid before heading reluctantly back to my desk.

Not two hours go by, before I hear someone say my name over my shoulder-and there, with a Shamrock Shake for yours truly, is Coworker X.

Whatta guy...whatta shake!!!

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