Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Super Bowl Reflections

This past Sunday, I joined Americans everywhere to watch the annual Super Bowl game.

I imagine the pre-game anticipation was great for Bears/Colts/gambling addicts alike; however, having never been much of a fan of watching sports on TV, I put my pre-game energy towards other things. Bigger issues. Namely: brain storming what I was going to bring to the Super Bowl party.

Now I don’t know about you people, but whenever I am invited to a party, I spend the weeks leading up to the event agonizing about what to bring. Should I take the easy way out and pick up something at the store OR should I make that extra effort and bring something home made? Both options are appreciated by the host-however, when successful, only one of the two truly works to both impress and provoke enthusiastic praise from the other party attendees. And, being a slave to my need for constant positive reinforcement, it should come as no surprise to you that I ultimately opted to make something.

For this party, after placating the hostess with a breezy promise to bring my specialty, “Baked Lays”(a clever decoy), I ultimately decided to REALLY show everyone else up with an ever-popular “Fruit Pizza.” Surprisingly easy to make, a fruit pizza is a delicious dessert that uses a giant sugar cookie as the crust, cream cheese as the sauce and various colorful fruits as the toppings. Bragging rights with the fruit pizza are considerable-as very few people think they could make such a visually appealing concoction. They are probably wrong about that…but who am I to correct them?

As the other guests slowly arrived, I made sure to usher each one past the dessert table-silently waiting for the inevitable query, “What is that, a fruit pizza? It looks DELICIOUS! WHO made that?”

“Oh that,” I would say with a coy smile, “I made that.”

(INSERT Inevitable fawning and visible awe here)

All in all, the party was a complete blast, although I didn’t really watch the game-save a few purposeful glances at the TV between trips to the bar, respectful conversations and persistent attepmts to haze the other guests into sampling/looking at my fruit pizza.

Congratulations to any Colts fans out there; and sincere condolences to my Bear’s fans. Peppermint Patty/Spanish Houlihan, I am talking to you.

CLICK HERE to get your very own Fruit Pizza recipe. Westchester tested and approved.

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