Wednesday, January 24, 2007

You were always on my mind.

After a long, and often-times bitter battle of wills, I have finally lost out in the war against the Cadbury Cream Egg in my purse.

I purchased the delicious candy a few days ago when I noticed Walgreen’s was selling the treat (usually reserved for the Easter months) 2 for 1; usually I would just get one for myself; but thinking someone in my play would want to eat the other, I went for the deal. Alas-no one took the bait-and for the past few days that egg has floated from pocket to purse, its shiny exterior daring me to indulge- a welcomed promise of the chocolaty-goodness that waited me inside.

I would be lying if I said the chocolate has been speaking to me. That would be ridiculous-as we all know chocolate can’t talk. However, the sugary cream-filling inside the chocolate has just been FULL of conversational topics. From the state of the union to how delicious it would taste with a giant glass of cold milk-that Cadbury Cream has not shut up.

All week long I have been good-ignoring the chocolate and cream, instead choosing to concentrate on more pressing issues like the war in Iraq or how I want to pimp out my MySpace profile; however, while sitting at my desk this morning a fever began to creep back into my head-the fever that can only be remedied by the type of candy made to look like a baby chicken.

Actually doing my work was all that was keeping me from ravaging my purse for the chocolate inside; and I was succeeding too, that was until Coworker E walked by my desk wearing a giant neck brace. Immediately, my concentration was ruined, and I was sent into a crazed, all-consuming wave of chocolate madness that quickly overtook my ability to reason and left me powerless to resist.

Before I had a chance to stop it, my hand jutted off in the direction of my open purse, grabbed the offending chocolate candy (where it lay haughtily at the bottom of my bag), feverishly ripped open the wrapping, and aggressively shoved the thing into my mouth.

Sigh. I have lost the battle-but the war will be mine….eh who am I kidding, I have the self-control of a five-year-old and chocolate is yummy.

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At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL only you could make a story like this interesting.

ps...I dont believe I was ever offered the delicious treat...?



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