Friday, November 17, 2006

Good News...

...I'm not dead (said with a Scottish accent).

In fact, I survived last night's spinning class with aplomb unlike anything you have probably EVER seen. Not on the news, not on Screech’s porn tape, and not on all of the seasons of Celebrity Fit Club COMBINED!

Granted, I kept my bike's intensity at a cool zero for the entire 40 minute class-despite all of the efforts by the class instructor to get me to do the contrary.

Oh she yelled alright. She yelled and baited me to “pedal harder.” Me, who foolishly raised my hand at the start of the class when she asked if there was anyone new; Me, who jovially shouted out my name for all the world to hear when Instructor Debbie asked me to introduce myself; and me, who somehow managed to make it though the entire class without slipping and dramatically falling off my bike when instructed to stand and pedal. Frankly, I think that was an accomplishment in itself.

It is now 5Pm. T-minus, however many hours it takes me to drive there, before I see good friends Jazzy A and Peppermint Patty in Chicago. Have a good weekend people, and for the love of God, try not to get into any trouble….I don’t have enough readers to lose you.



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