Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Weekend Update

Spring has sprung in old Milwaukee and everywhere you look birds are singing and the homeless are stripping off their extra layers of winter wear.

This weekend I spent a lot of quality time with my family and ate the appropriate quantities of Easter candy (and no, there is nothing wrong with a 25-year-old woman getting an Easter basket).

On Saturday I somehow managed to watch three movies, all of which I will review for you now:

1. Lucky Number Slevin-Super Secret Thumbs Up

Combining a Usual Suspects-esque twist, surprising violence, well-written dialogue, and Josh Hartnett in a low-riding towel for several scenes, this case of mistaken identity thriller will have you guessing till the end. It's no think-piece, but its just really fun. (Similar movies: The Game, The Usual Suspects)

2. The Brothers Grimm-Super Secret Thumbs Down

Matt Damon and Heath Ledger play brothers out to make a buck amidst a superstitious Germany. Now I love fairy tales as much as the next gal, but this movie just was not as fun as I had thought it would be. While I didn't hate it, I probably would recommend waiting until it comes out on TBS over spending the money to rent it.

3. Waiting-Enthusiastic Super Secret Thumbs Down

This movie was just lame. LAME. Although, having just seen the crap-tastic Just Friends (also starring Ryan Reynolds) I do not know why I am surprised. Frankly, I am just sick of Reynold's "I'm too cool for school" line delivery. It just comes off as snarky, and it is the SAME thing every time. It worked in Van Wilder because that was his first break out role, but COME ON! It's been four years Ryan, PLEASE come up with a new schtick! Anyway, unlike successful comedies such as The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Anchor Man, and Office Space, this heavy-handed schlop just misses the mark.

On an entirely unrelated note, it has now been almost a full week since I originally posted about Coworker B's ill-timed Christmas countdown board; and, if you were wondering what could possibly be worse that a person hanging a Christmas countdown board in the office before Easter, I now have your answer: that being, someone hanging a Christmas countdown board in the office before Easter, and then forgetting to update it.

If you INSIST on putting up a crappy countdown to remind your coworkers of how quickly their summers are passing by without them, at least have the decency to keep it up to date! But it has been "258-days till Christmas" on that board all week, and it is really beginning to piss me off.


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