Monday, January 08, 2007

Mondays are funny too...ok maybe not.

It's Monday and I am definitely not feeling the office today. I mean, to say that I am EVER really "feeling" the office would be a tremendous overstatement; however, there are some days that go by faster than others.

This weekend I spent the bulk of the available daylight hours in a basement. Not to fear, I was not the weekend captive of some crazed kidnapper/Super Secret Fan; on the contrary, I was in that basement of my own free will, rehearsing for the latest play that I have been cast in.

Now if you have read this blog at all, it should come as NO surprise to you to learn that I am of a dramatic persuasion. Frankly, I feel that it would be something of an injustice for me to try and keep my theatrical talents from the rest of the world/the greater Milwaukee area. I have been given a gift-and I must share this gift through the magic of community theatre and, at times, with other drivers who catch me singing in my car.

Anyway, as the sun set late Sunday afternoon, I finally did manage to get out of that basement; ironically, only to become a prisoner of another variety. A prisoner of literature. Indeed, after years of successful self-control, I finally succumbed to pop culture/peer pressure and began reading the first of the Harry Potter series.

At the recommendation of my cast mates I started reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone; and frankly, I have quickly become a slave to the thick literary web J.K. Rowling has woven for me. As you read this, I am essentially counting down the minutes until I can pick the book up again and learn more about the kooky exploits of a pre-teenage boy and his gangly friends.

To quote one of my favorite cinematic characters, “This is my party, happy fucking New Year.”

350 Days until Christmas.



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