Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow Patrol

If you live anywhere near the Milwaukee area, you are HOPEFULLY ditching work today to stay home and eat marshmallows . OR, if you are like me, it took you an hour to get into work just so you could hit a major deadline, on a project that you have hated since the day it was assigned.

Anyway, if you possibly can, stay inside Wisconsinites. It is just not worth it out there.

On another note, I just came to the very important realization last night that my latest crush is (to quote Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo) "just not that into me." Yes this is a sad thing; however, after a week of making excuses for this guy ("oh he's just shy", "oh, he just didn't think I was serious when I told him I was interested," ect.ect.ect.ect.), it is liberating to acknowledge it and move on. The simple fact of the matter is that when a guy does like you, he's gonna call-no matter how shy he might be. AND, he's going to call when he says he will-because he is just that excited to get you on the phone. I mean, correct me if I am wrong here guys, correct me if I'm wrong. To quote my newest Bible-o-dating once again, ladies please, "don't waste the pretty."

A'ight, I am outie. Whatever that means when you are snow-bound in your office building with no discernable means of escape.

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