Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Angry Ear.

I have what the medical community is calling, an “Angry Ear.”

Well, maybe not the “medical community” per say, but the doctor I was assigned yesterday when I could no longer hear out of my right ear. I am assuming you would be hard-pressed to find the phrase “angry ear,” in any medical dictionary-but who am I to speculate.

After giving me a detailed tutorial on the harms of Q-Tips as well as a demonstration on how one could properly remove excess water from one’s ear with a tissue, he proceeded to examine my ear and hand down the aforementioned diagnosis.

Clutching my new prescriptions in my left hand and my tender ear with my right, I slowly shuffled out of the hospital; all the while wondering what I had ever done to make my ear so angry and where on earth my doctor had purchased that candy corn and hobgoblin tie.



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