Wednesday, September 27, 2006

88 Days, 14 Hours, and 10 Minutes to Christmas

In postings past I have mentioned my ongoing annoyance over having to sign countless birthday cards and make countless gift donations for the people that I work with. It's not that I have any ill-will towards these people, but having never received one thing from the lot of them-I just don't see why I should have to participate. Lately I have been very good at ignoring the shenanigans; however, my coworkers have just hit a new low, and I feel the need to talk about it.

When it comes to office birthdays, some people chose to bring in treats for the whole department, while others just bring in something for their friends…or nothing at all. There is no set rule-but as you can imagine, the people that only bring things for their friends are usually a little hush/hush about it; because let's face it, some people get hard feelings when they are not included. Usually, I could care less.

Today is Coworker K’s birthday; and as a result, she has brought in treats for her friends. Normally, this would be fine; however, rather than set the treats up in her own cube (7-8 cubes away from me) as most people do, she has instead decided to use the empty cubicell right next to mine.

So, all morning I have had to sit here as seemingly-endless parades of her friends “ooh” and “ahh” over her birthday treats- all the while, having never been offered one. Frankly, I think the whole thing is a little “in your face” rude.

Grrrr-if only they would just let me work from home...or space maybe. That would be nice.

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