Monday, August 21, 2006

A model of self indulgence…I MEAN…Self Control!

During my exciting European vacation, I was shocked, nay, saddened to learn that my caffeinated supplement of choice, Coca Cola Lite (The Euro version of Diet Coke), was often priced at a startling 6 euros (which is like $8.00).

SO, in an effort to save money AND to ween myself off of a life-long bad habit of soda drinking, I began opting for wine with my meals instead of my regular can of Diet Coke. (Wine prevents Cancer right…or is it Crabs?)

Anyway, after 2.5 weeks without Diet Coke, I returned to the States feeling empowered-like I could do anything! I committed to staying away from Diet Coke-and solemnly promised that I would only drink water…and coffee….AND alcohol. Phew.

Many people said that I couldn’t do it. They said I lack the basic commitment/loyalty to a soda-free lifestyle and that they would be willing to put money on my failure. To these people, these NAYSAYERS, I haughtily look you right in the eye and exclaim….”you have a very good point.”

Sadly, unlike my successfully steadfast (yet somewhat inexplicable) self-ban on any/all pork products, the Diet Coke fast has been a hard promise to keep.

Somewhat predictably, I caved at the first POSSIBLE test of my will; and, already today I have had two Diet Cokes. There is just no way around it, I am WEAK!

The reasonable voice in my head says I should just drink more water to make up for the soda; but, I listen to that voice almost as much as I do my dental hygienist’s, SO I think that I am just going to start doubling my wine intake instead.

Surely it will all just balance itself out…and keep those pesky Crabs at bay. It’s a win/win.


At 6:44 PM, Blogger Beth Danae said...

don't worry about drinking more water to make up for the soda intake, I just read an article/study that said all liquids hydrate yor body, soda, tea, etc--which combats earlier thinking that soda actually de-hydrates you and therefore you should drink more water when you drink it...

Now is it just me or does Coke light taste different? I can't find diet coke anywhere outside the US, and I miss it...


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