Friday, July 14, 2006

Wedding bells, they are a ringing!

This weekend I will travel the 5 hours (and unknown mileage) down to Muncie, Indiana to witness the long-awaited nuptials of dear friends Stubby and Natalie. Contrary to popular belief, the road from Wisconsin to Indiana is not paved in gold, nor does it always smell very good (cough, Gary). But it is what it is; and once I pick up Joe Hollywood in Chicago, he will be doing most of the driving anyway, so who am I to complain.

In light of this weekend’s nuptials, I would like to impart my friend Stubby with some solid words of advice from another married man as he steps into his most important job yet: husband.

“You know something, folks, as ridiculous as this sounds, I would rather feel the sweet breath of my beautiful wife on the back of my neck as I sleep, than stuff dollar bills into some stranger's G-string.” Homer Simpson

The happy couple.

Best of luck guys on your life together, I am so glad I was able to be there with you on your very special day!


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