Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Good old-fashioned case of the creepies

There is a VERY scary man who works out at my gym (pictured below).

His name is "Earl" and he can often be seen lurking around my gym’s weight room, and starring at young girls as they work out.

I have grown to really resent "Earl" because I find him outstandingly creepy and very inappropriate. Not only does he walk past my machine a minimum of 3 times a workout-but he will blatantly stare at me for unbearable minutes on end with little regard to social decency. And apparently, I am not the only person who has been affected by this as several other women I have spoken to have been similarly creeped out and annoyed by his behavior.

Up until now, I have responded to "Earl" by fervently ignoring him, subversively flicking him off every time he walks by, and by swearing angrily at him under my breath. However, there is only so much I can take, and I am seriously thinking of just hauling off and...switching gyms.

Oh yes, passive-aggressive revenge is truly mine.


At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I KNOW THAT GUY!!! I saw him there all the time when I used to work out there! His upper body is roughly 5x larger than his lower half and he always has that weight belt (not to mention a slightly bow legged stride)! Agreed - he's stared at me before too. Totally creepy. Very accurate drawing.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Nick said...

I think there's only one thing that can be done in a situation like this: fart. When you pass him or he passes you, try to let one rip...hopefully no one else is around to hear/smell. This should keep him from stalking you.


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