Thursday, June 22, 2006

Walking the walk

Last night I had a lot of things on my mind. So, rather than sit in my apartment and stew about the negatives, I decided to take a nice, long walk through the city in an attempt to gather my thoughts and/ or to escape them.

There are many reasons I love downtown living; there is the social aspect, of course, but moreover, the downtown area is relatively safe and is such a fun place to be. So when the summer months finally arrive, I try to exercise outside as much as I can, rather than spending the precious post-work daylight hours trapped in some sweaty gym.

As I was alone, I let my feet take me where ever they wanted to go, taking in all of the sights along the way. I walked down by the lake, marveling at the ducks and sail boats floating by. I went past the art museum, stopping several times to peer into the fountains and to feel sprays of water on my cheeks whenever there was a strong enough breeze; next, I walked through the business district (Being careful to avoid the hobos, sorry guys!), and then it was onto the cobblestone streets and German-style buildings of Old World Third Street. Finally, I walked up through Water Street, carefully observing all of the bustling beer gardens and happy hour participants.

Yes, it was a great night for a walk; and as I made my way home I managed to forget all of the things that have been bothering me; instead focusing on all of the people and places that have made my life so incredibly rich.

Thanks Milwaukee, you're quite a town.


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