Monday, June 05, 2006

Oh the places you'll go...

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” (Semisonic)

In just under a week, my baby brother will graduate from high school; and, as it is a momentous bench-mark in any person’s life, I am sure he is feeling VERY excited to get on with his life and begin his college adventures. But as usual, I am going to make this about me right now, because I am feeling a little emotional and I want to reflect.

I remember my own graduation like it was yesterday; (fade in, theme song from "The Wonder Years") over 375 graduating seniors filled the high school gym, and my friends and I were lined up in the front row -because we were in choir and had to get up to sing. All seemed right with the world that day, and as I solemnly listened to the school principal’s sing-song reading of Dr. Seuss’ “Oh the Places You’ll Go,” my mind floated off to a happy place where my friends and I always got along and the Care Bears were baking cookies.

At that point I started to tear up, but quickly regained my composure because it was time to receive my diploma. (Little did I know that my very brief showing of overt emotion would so zealously come back to haunt me in the form of a 5 by 7 picture of my breakdown in the following year’s yearbook. Looking back, that picture probably wouldn’t have been so bad, had the people sitting next to me not been pointing and laughing at me in the picture; and, also had they not been some of my closest friends.)

(Pictorial reenactment.)

Now almost ten year’s out, my high school experience has dwindled down to a few choice memories and hundreds of glossy photographs; but on the off chance that my little brother ever reads this post, here are my words of wisdom for him about college and what lies ahead:

* Please remember to shower every day. The ladies like it-and society pretty much demands it.

* That being said, ALWAYS wear flip-flops in the dorm showers.

* Whether you feel like it or not, call your mother every Sunday.

* Go to office hours. The professors will appreciate your interest, and later, if your grade is perilously teetering between an A or a B (cough, C or D) - they will be more likely to bump it up.

* As my good friend once said, “In a bind, just Febreeze that shit.”

* When in doubt, never assume it's a raisin.

And finally: Don’t be afraid to let go of who you thought you were in high school-to become who you are going to be in life.

Best of luck little guy, I love you and can’t wait to see what great things you will do next!


At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that picture - it really did showcase your sensitivity :)

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, at least your graduation only had that many students. we had over 600, it was horrible


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