Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dream a little dreamcatcher

As I was taking one of the day's many walks to and from Department X’s one, unnecessarily- inconvenient printer, I was shocked/awed to see the tattoo of a dreamcatcher on one of my coworker’s ankles.

Now admittedly, it is possible that I zoned out during the “lesson” portion of my 5th grade art class the day we were making dreamcatchers; but, it was my impression that the Native American charm was meant to be hung above your bed at night so as to collect all of the dreams floating around the room. The idea is that it will imprison the bad dreams in it's web, while allowing all of the good dreams to peacefully reach you sleeping mind.

So I ask you, what possible good could a dreamcatcher do on a person’s ankle?!

Actually, maybe it’s better not to answer that one; after all, maybe ignorance IS bliss.

What is the world coming to?


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