Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Out with the old...

There comes a point in every person’s life when they will need to move out of their parents' house, enter the work force and start paying their own bills; and in doing so, they begin to make the transition between college and adulthood. I call this, Adul-escence.

Specifically, while you are definitely an adult by society's general standards, you probably view yourself as a kid in many regards, and can even remember your college days with a beerily-defined clarity. Also, it probably doesn’t help matters when your coworkers are reminiscing about their own college experiences-which were, oh, several years before you were born.

So it is a very odd thing when new college graduates are hired at the company-because suddenly, not only are you NOT the youngest one there, but also, these new hires probably view you as old! And all you can think is, “How can this be, I still remember college, and I haven’t even hit my ten-year high school reunion!”

The reality is, you’re not a kid anymore, you are a grown up, and time did not stop for you. Some people try to fight this realiy by continuing to go out every night, in the same pace they kept in school, while others age gracefully and keep a positive outlook about the new milestones ahead. I thought I was ok, but then again, with every passing year I am getting farther and farther away from my own college experience.

Never was this point as clear to me as the moment I was introduced to one of our newest PR interns today. A senior in college, the girl is by all means fresh-faced; so, in an attempt to be a cool mentor, I smiled and made some jokes about college and dazzled her with a description of the earrings I just bought at H& M. Frankly, I thought it all went well, well that was until I started to walk away and it slowly dawned on me that the half-smile she had been giving me was not one of unadulterated admiration and respect; but instead a look that screamed, “this poor lady, does she even know what MTV stands for?!”



I am not old! I am still in my twenties, like Jessica Simpson and Christina Aguilera.

I suddenly need a cocktail.


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, 26 this July L.M.W???, not only is my hair longer, but it is younger too


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