Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My baby's got a secret...

Nothing interesting is happening to me today, so instead I will tell you about one of my favorite websites in the WHOLE wide word. It is called PostSecret, and it is a stellar blog run by a man named Frank Warren. If you have ever visited the site you know the premise, but in case you haven't, the blog asks people to send in their secrets on a anonymous post-card, which Frank then posts them on the blog.

Not all of the secrets are nice or pretty, but they are honest and fascinating on every level.

I don't know about you, but I LOVE hearing other people's secrets, so this site is like a crack addiction I can't shake. To give you a preview of the kinds of secrets you will see, here is the postcard I would send in if I every got up the energy to buy a stamp...or find a baby who I can photograph giving me the finger:

I hope you enjoy PostSecret as much as I do!


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