Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Elvis has left the fish tank...

Tragedy has struck the Westchester homestead, with the accidental death of my pet fish, Elvis.

While the autopsy was not conclusive (there was no autopsy), I suspect he suffocated to death when I put too many/not enough PH balancing drops into the water as I was cleaning his little bowl.

For those of you who didn’t know Elvis, he was an angry little fish with a chip on his shoulder that far exceeded the scope of his underwater living space.

Here is a poem I have written in his memory:

He knew no tricks,
nor could he cuddle;
but he was with me for a year,
so I will miss his little bubbles.

Sadly, Elvis lacked the capacity to communicate with humans; however, if he could have spoken with me before he passed, I imagine that these would have been his final words.....

I will miss you my little friend!


At 5:09 PM, Blogger Bruce Dierbeck said...

Let me observe a moment of silence for Elvis, the fish. As I blogged about previously, I had two fish in my office about a year ago: Elvis and Priscilla Pisces. And both met the same fate as your Elvis.

Some claimed it was my fault from cleaning. But oddly enough, toxicology results never came back to me, so if you ask me, there's something fishy going on there.

I believe it was murder, set up to make it look like it was my fault.

I would look into the same thing, if I were you. Just my unsolicited advice. This could be like something out of the movies. Somebody going around doing in fish with Elvis names, making it look like the doing of their owners. I'm just sayin ...

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Beth Danae said...

You know I had three fish actually jump out of the tank thus dying slowly as they laid on the side of the tank with no one to help them. I've never gotten over that. Was suicide so necessary? For all 3?



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