Monday, May 15, 2006

Contrary to popular belief, there IS enough Chuck Norris to go around.

This weekend Hope Valentine and I threw it down with a Chuck Norris-themed wine/cheese/beer summer smack down. For those who were there, you know. For those sad bastards who missed out, in all seriousness it was pretty much the best party ever and I pity you for not being there.

Here are some highlights from the evening:

1. My Clevage enhancing shirt: Let’s face it, I have a nice rack and as Darling Peterson has said, I need to show it off a little more. Well, mission accomplished!

2. The very cute boy whom I allowed to hold my hand…..why, oh why am I attracted to emotionally unavailable men?!

3. The six weeks worth of DVR’d “Walker Texas Ranger” that Hope and I had playing quietly in the background.

4. Darling Peterson’s mom: Carol was in town for mother’s day and decided to come to the party. Not only is she one of the coolest mom’s ever, but major brownie points were earned when she told Darling that she couldn’t get over how “beautiful and striking” I am. YAY COMPLIMENTS!

5. My impressive toast to a newly-engaged Randee and Todd over some Grape and Strawberry-flavored Jello shots: I was pretty drunk at the time-but I think, I THINK the toast said something about hoping they have a long and happy marriage filled with good conversation and great sex.

6. The After-Smackdown party at The Garage where I bumped into Friendster pal Boston Szyslak. As usual, I was delighted to see him, and am pleased to give him this first, well-earned (and often requested) shout out.

7. Miller LOW-Life is more like it: The crippling hangover that lasted well into the afternoon was not so much a high light as a very real, reality. But I had an awesome time on Saturday night so it was all very worth it.

Thanks to all who turned out for the party! I had a great time and mostly stayed out of trouble. Hurray!


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