Wednesday, April 12, 2006

How to spot a pedophile (and other helpful tips)

As some of you might have heard, a scary pedophile has moved into my building.

In past postings I have revealed my list of top three fears as:

1. Vampires
2. Tornados
3. Murdering Rapists.

And, I would have to say that "Pedophiles" as a group fall just below murdering rapists (and slightly above maggots) on my ever-expanding list of reviled fears. So, that being said, a pedophile actually living in my building has not been sitting well with me-especially since the man looks exactly like what you would expect a sex offender found not-guilty by reason of mental defect to look like.

At this point, some of you are probably wondering how I unearthed this information and how you too can learn about possible sex offenders in your neighborhood; and, never being one to withhold my sources, here are some helpful tools:

Find the Sex Offenders in Your Neighborhood. (This site has the address, picture, and conviction information of the registered sex offenders in your area.)

How to Spot a Sex Offender (I am pretty sure this isn't serious, but what the hell.)

On that pleasant note, hope you have a Super Secret Rantings day!


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