Monday, April 10, 2006

Filing a grievance with…myself

You may recall previous postings I have made regarding the disproportionate rate of signed vs. received birthday/ anniversary/ get well/ sorry about that STD/ thank you cards I have encountered during my seemingly endless stint in this department.

Specifically, I have signed some variation of card for pretty much EVERYONE in my department (as well as some cards for coworkers that aren't even IN my department) without EVER having received one myself.

Today marks a new low in my losing battle for recognition, when I received an e-mail from "Coworker M" requesting donations so that she could buy flowers for Supervisor K's wife (who just underwent some minor surgery).

Supervisor K's WIFE! She doesn't even work at this company!!!

Just to recap here, it seems that in addition to ranking lower than all of my coworkers on the perverbial priority list, I now seem to also rank lower than some of my coworker's wives as well.

What the flip.


At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That does suck, LMW. On the other hand (always being one to look on the bright side), you are a fantastic actress, while she will probably lack the acting ability required to conceal the understandable horror she is likely to feel about having been sent flowers by a group of people she's never met who nonetheless know all about her (private and federally protected) medical condition(s). So maybe you are coming out ahead on this one...

Sidenote: To all the other loyal fans of Super Secret Rantings - let it be known that you can always count on our Little Miss Westchester to keep her word. As promised, I did in fact recieve an appreciative pat on the bottom at the after party celebrating LMW's considerable acting talent. Thanks Westchester!

- Kate Smiley


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