Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Kooky Kathy crosses the line

I love listening to my coworkers bitch and moan about how they were somehow wronged by all of the other drivers on their morning commute. My position on this has always been that if their driving is anything like their office skills, then the other drivers were probably justified.

Not to be too negative on this fabulous Single’s Awareness Day; but, slow drivers are a pet peeve of mine-especially when they refuse to move out of the left lane when there is someone, i.e. ME, trying to pass them.

I have noticed, as of late, that the topic of bad driving comes up a lot in discussion; and from the ongoing debates over which city has the worst drivers to my mother's insistence that she is not the worst driver, it seems to be an issue on which everybody has an opinion. For example, last night as I was doing my stretches at the gym, Kooky Kathy somehow managed to transition from her usual ranting about her ongoing fight with the locker room towel attendants, into a lengthy monolog about her family’s trailer in northern Wisconsin.

From there she moved onto the subject of Wisconsin speed limits, which she cleverly used as a jumping off point into a detailed listing of her concerns over the proposed speed limit increase from 65 to 75 on the highway between Milwaukee and Madison. It when there that I realized that this was to be just another one of the many issues on which Kathy and I would not see eye to eye; however, unlike her assertion that she could get down to 160 pounds (from her current weight of 350) simply by attending a monthly water aerobics class and sticking to diet sodas rather than milkshakes, this was a topic I felt strongly about.

You see, while I am a firm believer that the left lane is for passing and speeding, Kathy takes a somewhat different stance on the issue. She maintains that the only way society can ensure complete traffic safety is through a "complex strategy" that requires all drivers over the age of 60 to adhere to speeds well under the designated limit, and always while in the left lane.

Kooky Kathy, you just crossed the line.


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