Wednesday, February 01, 2006

G is for Grievances

There are a few things about the office that are bothering me right now. In no particular order they are as follows:

Grievance #1

The woman in my office who wears her pants so high up on her waist, that her breasts seem to be serving as a harness to hold them up. Whether or not she even wears a belt it a mystery, because if it is there, it is completly hidden beneath the folds of her back and her generous bosom. Known affectionatly as “Pants,” throughout the office, this fashion foible has somehow managed to defy the laws of gravity and reason in a single bound. Jiminy.

Grievance #2

The unidentified person who keeps wiping their boogers on the walls inside ladies bathroom stall #3. I mean really, that stall is so compact, and always with a fully stocked toilet paper dispenser. A person would not even need to lift their arm to get a tissue; yet to this mysterious booger bandit, that's just not good enough. I have a feeling that whoever is responsible for this is probably some sort of an evil genius-either that, or they have picked away the last fully-functioning parts of their brain, and this is their way of calling for help.

Grievance #3

I am hungry, but forgot to pack my self an afternoon snack.

I guess there's always that bathroom stall...


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Beth Danae said...

ha ha ha ha...

The booger issue made me cringe.. but funny to read.

At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one of your funnier posts...

for sure


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