Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Peppermint Patty and I discuss dating

Here is an expert from a recent IM conversation I had with my good friend Peppermint Patty. Delving into sensitive issues ranging from the search for love in a loveless world and home ownership, the topics of this conversation are not for the faint of heart.

P.Patty: My friend Domzal thinks I should aspire to dating a homeless person. I'm glad that my oldest friend has that much confidence in me and my ability to attract men.

LMW: Wow-the homeless?

LMW: I don't know about that Patty. Although, to their credit, at least most homeless men own their own homes-they are cardboard homes, but homes none the less.

P.Patty: Well, that’s more than I have I guess....I’m glad that all my friends share in the same lofty goals for me... :-(

LMW: :-)

LMW: You know I don't want you dating a homeless person, I mean COME ON

P.Patty: Haha. Thanks, well, I think that it's not always a matter of want, but a matter of what you think I can get...

LMW: Well I think you are MUCH prettier than me for starters-so if you are dating the homeless-what does that leave for me?! Drug-addled transvestites?

Patty's new man


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a ridiculous conversation. Don't make me drive up there and take you on a Women's Empowerment Adventure Hiking/Boating Trip!



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