Monday, November 21, 2005

Diet Coked out.

Only five hours into my day and I have somehow managed to drink an uncharacteristic four cans of Diet Cokes. At what point does a person need to accept personal responsibility for such a crippling lapse in judgment?

Here is how it happened:

Diet Coke 1: I bought for myself this morning when I did not have enough time to stop for coffee.

Diet Coke 2: Coworker L bought for me as a repayment for the 50 cents I lent to her last week. Try as I could to resist, I was physically unable to say "no" mainly because I think she is the coolest people working in this office. (Note: This incredible honor based solely on the important things in life; specifically, good looks and possession of expensive accessories.)

Diet Cokes 3 and 4: Lunch drink coupled with my inability to say "no" to a free refill.

One more Diet Coke and I fear I will turn into a carbonation bubble. Which leads me to my next question: can carbonation bubbles collect on 401 K's? Just wondering.


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