Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Crossroads

At some point in every person’s life, there exists a cross roads. A crucial moment where a decision needs to be made, and the outcome will forever separate the women from the girls, and the adults from those destined to remain a slave to their demons FOREVER (echo, echo, echo, echo).

Sadly, I am no different when it comes to temptation, and at this very moment I remain perched at the cross road of my own personal battle, perilously teetering between success and a very bitter surrender (cough) failure (cough). Indeed, my personal demon is an elusive one, a genetic habit that has haunted not only me, but also the plights of my mother and brothers. Really, it can be summed up in two words: oral fixation.

At this point, your eye brows are probably raised, but before you judge, please let me explain. You see, it is now Day 7 in my new-found resolve to stop biting my nails. That’s right, your very own Little Miss Westchester is a hardened career-nail biter, just like my brothers before me, and my mother before them, and her mother before her…well you get the idea. But recently I have decided to change all that by quitting my nail biting ways, and thus beating my life long struggle to scratch my own back with out the help of a backscratcher, or worse, a fine-toothed comb.

Up until now I have been doing great, without any slipups to speak of. But that was then, this is now; and today, in a desperate frenzy of boredom and perhaps madness I somehow managed to bite off the nail polish from every one of my fingers that only days earlier I had so meticulously applied to each fledgling nail.

Now that the urge to bite has passed, and my eyes have stopped swirling around in my head, I wish I could explain to you the insanity that overtook me. Truly it was stronger than myself; and now, all that remains from the frenzy is the small pile of nail polish clipping that are surrounding my desk chair and a hefty load of guilt. Indeed, failure seems so close I can almost taste it (this might also be because I still have nail polish chips stuck to the inside of my mouth).

Either way fair reader, tonight I plan to repaint my nails, and tomorrow, I will begin again. Yes, tomorrow is a new day; and, with the help of my new-found empowered inspiration, coupled with a fresh coat of nail polish, I plan to stay strong. Not only will I do this for you fair reader, but also for my country, and most importantly, for me- because honestly, I think I swallowed some of that nail polish and I am feeling a little light headed.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger Beth Danae said...

an understandable battle... few tastes are worse than nail polish and nail remnants..

My solution is to maintain acrylic nails, though I hear some nail bitters are so bad, they bite those off too..

If our nails would only stay filed, straight, etc I know I would not bite them...

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Miss Westchestr,
I agree with Beth that you should get acrylic nails.
I also think you should dye your hair blonde and go Mystic tanning.


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