Thursday, October 06, 2005

When cars and relationships need to go into the shop

Last night after a few days *not* hearing from “Tall Pete,” I began to get the inkling that something might be amiss. After all, I had to practically beat him off with a stick that first week; moreover, I did like the guy and wanted to at least go on a second date-(if nothing else, so that I could have something to report on in this very blog).

So rather than play by the “I’m not going to call him” rule I had set up in my mind, I decided to just dial the phone. After moments of rising tension as the phone dialed, God smiled upon me, and I got his machine. So I left a message and started dealing with the night’s next catastrophe…my car’s untimely death due to some engine complications.

After several hours of not hearing from Pete, I began to wonder…..could the reason for this calling void have something to do with me not inviting him to "Hope Valentine’s" 25th birthday party this past weekend? But how would he have known about the party unless......
(duh,duh,dun!!!!)"Lance Friendly."

Could "Lance Friendly" have elevated his blundering to a new high by telling Pete about the party, knowing full well that I had already invited "Dick Ebert" and couldn’t very well have both of them there!?

The answer to that, of course, is yes. Apparently, when Pete asked Lance what he was up to on Saturday he replied, “Well I am going to Little Miss Westchester’s party…aren’t you?”


I told Lance to fix all this and to call me.

Speaking of fixing, my car is still in the shop and there has been no word yet on the future of my engine, or my budding relationship with Tall Pete for that matter.


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