Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Today at the office- oh, I'm sorry, did I say the office? I meant hell.

I share a cubicle wall with a lovely girl, "Coworker L. " If I was a guy, I imagine she would probably be my office crush-mainly because I love her fashion sense....and she has a Louis Vuitton purse I would kill for....ok so maybe I would be a gay man.

Either way, that is neither here nor there, because right now I want to talk about my coworkers's ringtones. "Coworker L's" ringtone sounds like a bunch of birds in an aviary. So everytime someone calls her, I feel like I need to duck and cover.

Then there is my other cubicle wall-mate whose ring tone is a snippet from Maroon 5's "Sunday Morning." I used to like that song-but as a ringtone, it sounds like someone is dying and these were their final words of mournful cries.

Whatever happened to a good old fashion ring sound?!

Is it time to leave yet?


At 4:13 PM, Blogger Jules said...

I work with someone who's ringtone is the song "I see you baby, shaking that ass" by Groove Amada. So completely inappropriate in a work place. I would LOVE to have bird noises instead, although that is still rather freaky.

At 6:10 AM, Blogger Beth Danae said...

Speaking of hell and the office... I saw a poster that said, "I'd tell you to go to hell, but that is where I work and I don't want to see you that often."
Hilarious it was...


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