Wednesday, October 05, 2005

To "friend" or not to "friend"

This past Wednesday I went on a date with “Tall Pete,” despite this nagging feeling that he was not “Little Miss Westchester material.” Of course I bitched about it in the days leading up to the date, and then there was the hemming and hawing over whether I should cancel-but, being the good girl that I am, I still ended up meeting him for dinner.

Against all odds, I had a good time and even agreed to go out with him again.

That’s where the trouble started.

The next day he called to see if I wanted to meet him out after kickball…..that being the DAY after our first date, I declined-although I did try to politely answer each of the several text messages he sent me throughout the night reminding me that it wasn’t too late for him to meet me out. Then, on Friday, he called me again asking if I wanted to do something that night. I had plans.

OK people, I am not trying to be a bitch here, but for God’s sake-WE JUST WENT OUT! I need a breather! I mean, I was totally excited about hanging out with him after our first date-but now, with all of his calls, I am a little freaked out and in “Overwhelmed City” (which I believe may be a real place located on the outskirts of Nebraska).

Meanwhile, I finally broke things off with “Dick Ebert,” or as “Peaches Wilson” would say, I “friended” him. In other words, I have decided that the romantic chemistry is not there, so instead we are going to try to be friends (in the past this, my preferred method of break up, has often times drawn responses ranging from “but I thought there was really something special between us,” to my personal favorite, “we should just keep dating and maybe you will grow to like me more.”).

There are two categories of men I have “friended” in the past: Dick falls into the first category, which is the kind of awesome guy that I DO actually want to be friends with but I just never had a romantic attraction to. Then there is that elite group who round out the other portion of the “friended.” This faction is an elite squad of toolboxes who I clearly could never have been friends with and who I was only humoring in an effort to avoid a very public scene.

Isn’t dating fun!?


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