Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Spies are all around me, SPIES I tell you!

Many of you may be wondering why, prey tell, there have not been any updates to my blog recently. Well the answer to that is this: Peaches Wilson has somehow learned that one of the least trustworthy of our coworkers has somehow learned of my work-day blogging. Clearly, there is an evil network of spies in our midst, but anyway, if it happens to get out that I blog, this can lead to my untimely firing, or worse, a cubicle in a closet.

So in order to keep updating this site without professional repercussions I am trying to devise a clever scheme in which I can update my blog undetected from the ever-prying eyes all around me.

Please be patient during this transitionary time. And thank you for your patience!!!

Speaking of evil spies, Lance Friendly sent me this link about how to be a successful evil overlord, and I think there is a lot to be learned here. Enjoy:



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