Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Metaphorical Death of Colonel Mustard

For the past few weeks some friends and I have been planning a Halloween coup that would involve each of us dressing as one of the board game characters from Clue. Admittedly, attempting a group costume is always a little touch and go-even more so because we chose to include "Lance Friendly. "

So here's the scene: last night after a long day's work of internet shopping and long walks around the cubicles, I returned home to what I had hoped would be a relaxing evening. No sooner had I finished making my dinner and picked up my book that my phone rings.

It was Lance Friendly, so I answered. and it was this conversation that followed.

Little Miss Westchester: Hi Lance, what's up.
Lance: Hey, I have decided that for Halloween this Saturday I want to go as the detective, and not Col. Mustard.
LMW: What detective?
Lance: Well you know, there was a detective in the game. Anyway, I already bought all of the costume pieces for Colonel Mustard-so if you find someone else to do it, they can just use the costume stuff I got.

At that point, what can you say really? In the larger scheme of things I know that it is not that big of a deal-but I am a Halloween perfectionist and I feel very sad that this, my Halloween group costume dream is going to fall so short.


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