Thursday, October 27, 2005

Halloween Sentiments

“Every morning I look down and I'm wearing boots with lightning bolts on them and I think...where did I make the wrong turn?” Ms. Indestructible, The Specials

Halloween is a very special time for me. This can be attributed to the fact that for a large portion of my childhood I imagined myself growing up to be a famous actress; and since that clearly didn’t pan out, I can only hope to be famous for the night…..through an excellent and well-planned costume.

But I digress.

Halloween is a wonderful time when people of all ages wear fun costumes, hand out candy, and try to turn a blind eye to the Pagonistic beginnings of the tradition. Children go door to door “trick-or-treating” for as much candy as they can get their sticky hands on, while adults go to parties and bars and do a little “trick-or-treating” of their own.

Tomorrow Company X will be celebrating the holiday by encouraging all departments to decorate their cubicles, and then allowing all employees to desert their jobs and walk around looking at what their co-workers were able to accomplish. While I am sure this all sounds like it might be fun, it is in reality a gigantic waste of time. So with that in mind, Peaches Wilson and I have taken the day off and plan to go see a movie instead.

So fair readers, forget about hearing from me for a while-although, you can expect an interesting weekend update on Monday.

Have a spooktacular weekend-and try to stay out of trouble; and when I say trouble, I mean the felony kind, not the good-natured fun kind where you steal a plastic goblin off the neighbor’s lawn and then moon the post man….have I said too much?


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