Monday, October 17, 2005

Halloween at Company X

Every year, my company makes a big and awkward "to do" about the Friday before Halloween by hosting a huge company-wide department decorating contenst. Specifically, each department decorates their designated areas in a theme, and subsequently, these themes compete against one another for a major reward (usually a pizza party).

Last year my friend “Coworker N” and I were the only people who participated in the decoration of my department, which, as “Peaches Wilson” later told me was a classic “rookie mistake.”

Apparently, it is usually the new additions to the department who get suckered into the (at times) tedious task of organizing a bunch of surly adults, and this year I have vowed to take the day off. I know you must be thinking me a fool; however, the truth of the matter is, that while it is fun to spend the whole day unabashedly not working, it is also a colossal waste of time. Clearly, I am having a very bad attitude about what should be a very fun slacking-off day, but you know what? Part of having a bad attitude about something is not caring if anyone thinks you have a bad attitude.

So take that suckers!

(Note: This puking pumpkin is only meant to illustrate my distain for my company's departmental decorating contest, and not for the fine holiday itself. )


At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you going to do on your day off? Visit Chicago?

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The puking pumpkin is FANTASTIC. So clever!


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