Thursday, September 22, 2005

Pig Personality Test

Don't ask me how I stumbled about this-or what possible personal gain can come from a personality quiz that draws its results from the way a person draws a pig, but.....enjoy.

Voila! Here are my results:

I am a realist, I believe in tradition, am friendly, I remember dates (birthdays, ect.). I am analytical, cautious and at times distrustful (like I'm going to buy into that) :(. I am secure, stubborn and I stick to my ideals, I am a good listener, and apparently the quality of my sex life is to be determined by the size of my piggy's tail.....fascinating.

Click here to find your own results:


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are the martha stewart of blogdom--an icon of perfection that makes the rest of us consider boycoting you (though I can't because your humor is great and therefore I can not resist)

I took the personality test and the results may show up on my blog.


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