Thursday, September 01, 2005

No chance of idolatry here!

Yesterday night, per a birthday gift from my dad, my mother and I attended the American Idol concert. While I do think just saying ‘American Idols’ gives you a clue as to what we experienced, I will say the highlight…or should I say lowlight of the evening surrounded the performances of a one Constantine Maroulis. Billed as the ‘sexy rock and roller’ of the cast he seemed to spend most of the show posing for cameras, sticking his tongue out suggestively towards the crowds, and throwing around his sexuality as though it were a rag doll or a cheap coat you might wear to the bars. Well Constantine, my affections will not be won over by such antics, and nor will those of my mother.

I can’t say the whole evening was a wash, although I did keep getting the distinct impression that I had seen better performances at my neighborhood karaoke bar. Admittedly, some of the contestants do have good voices and stage presence….and then there are those, like the completely unappealing and obese Scott Savol whose only real stage flourishes involved his whipping off and sliding back on a completely unnecessary pair of sunglasses.

Luckily for me, if these songsters’ luck fairs anything like the previous American Idol brood, I won’t have to see most of them every again anyway.


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