Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Message in a t-shirt.

I realize that message t-shirts are widely popular on television and with the kids; and, while I know that in the past I have been at the forefront of this trend, I think maybe it is beginning to get out of hand.

These days, rather than acting as a subversive representation of a person's personal style these often profanely suggestive/cheaply made frocks have become some kind of an over used joke, the rule rather than the exception.

My theory is that this is all just an extension of our generation's "give it to me now" complex. Why take the time and energy to get to know someone when you can read all about them on the front of their shirt?

Another problem with these message shirts is that they take away all elements of surprise!

I don't know about you ladies, but when I'm about to do some serious heart breaking I try not to go advertising it ahead of time.

Case in point:

I would think this would also be true for all of you sluts out there:

Just think about it.


At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree.

BTW, i'll tell you the obvious, your "about me" section is all messed up...

I had that happen yesterday, I got an "html error code" sorta message when making a particular post, and my profile wouldn't go back to it's home until I completely deleted that post.


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