Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Burn baby burn.

I have a date tomorrow night with Dick Ebert, and to be perfectly frank I am already nervous about it. Before yesterday’s conversation with Lance Friendly I was all confident and secure, and now I am nervous-

Meanwhile, today at lunch I somehow got distracted as I was taking my lean cuisine mini-pizza out of the microwave at which moment the steaming Italian dish slid right off of its little warming flap and right onto my middle finger. The hot cheese and sauce immediately singed my flesh, and pizza bits splattered everywhere as I urgently shook my finger, desperately trying to save it from a blister. I somehow managed not to scream and am now nursing my wound with a small cooler pack I borrowed from my friend “Coworker M” and the banana I have been chilling in the office fridge all day.

Not to worry folks, I will be strong…and if nothing else, maybe this will give me something to talk about during tomorrow’s date.


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