Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A visit from Zip Smiley

Last night, for the first time in over a year, my old high school chum Zip Smiley was visiting from Tennessee. Currently, he is working there as a television weatherman, so it was great to catch up and talk about his life as a sex symbol. Together Zip, Hope Valentine, and my other high school friends Tulip Johnson and Sunshine Smith decided to have a reunion get together at the Wisconsin State Fair.

I had never before been to the fair, and now I see why. At the Wisconsin Fair, food like cheese curds and cream puffs are dietary staples, while mullets and wife beaters are the height of fashion. In fact, the only reason I broke from my previously successful run at avoiding the fair was because Willy Porter was playing at one of the free stages and Zip is a HUGE fan.

Personally, I was unimpressed. I had never heard Willy live; however, I was immediately bored with the play list. Apparently, I was not alone in my boredom, so Tulip and I decided to take an extensive walk around the park to burn some time while Hope, Zip, and Sunshine watched the show.

Finally, after about an hour of ‘jamming,’ Willy played his big hit (the only song of his that I know) entitled “Watercolor Sunrise. “ In the past, I remember liking the tune because admittedly, it is catchy and filled with romantically sweet notions; but last night (and apparently for the first time) I really listened to the lyrics and was officially disenchanted.

The chorus goes something like this: “I can HEAR the ocean, when I LOOK into your eyes.”

What does that even mean? I mean really.


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