Friday, August 05, 2005

Delusions of Grandeur

I am writing a letter to Jennifer Aniston. I want to let her know that I am a fan and I support her in her divorce proceedings-while at the same time sounding like a really cool person that she might want to become friends with.

In an ideal world she would be so moved by my letter that she would give me a call and we would chat for hours about this and that quickly becoming the best of friends. Then, after several months of this, she would offer to fly me out to visit her on one of her movie sets.

Once on set, the director would be so taken with my beauty that I would be cast in a supporting role-thus leaving J.Lo once again out of a job. From this experience I would be greatly inspired to finally write an amazing and entertaining book, which-after becoming an international bestseller, would be turned into a movie-starring none other than Jennifer Aniston!

Maybe then I could finally afford all of the designer purses I have been eying online all these months.

Eh, who am I kidding, I will never write that letter.


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