Thursday, August 25, 2005


Yesterday, after a long, but not so hard day’s work, I was flipping through the channels on TV when I stumbled upon Halle Berry’s Catwoman on one of the movie channels.

Having heard by practically every media outlet there is (and my grandmother) that this was basically one of (if not THE) the biggest cinematic failures of 2004, my first instinct was to just ignore it and watch 'Friends' on TBS. However, following an impulse, I decided to give the saucy Oscar-winner the benefit of the doubt and find out for myself if the movie was really THAT bad-having said that, I have to tell you that it really, REALLY is.

Whenever I see a movie like Catwoman, starring someone as beautiful and talented as Ms. Berry, I immediately ask myself, who the hell advised her that movies like these are good idea? She won an Oscar for God’s sake-don’t you think they could have come up with something a little better than this!?

After years of performing in crap movies like B*A*P*S, Swordfish, and The Flintstones, it was like Halle had finally arrived! While I understand the appeal of portraying a famous comic hero, I can’t imagine her reading that script and thinking, ‘Wow, I’ve hit paydirt.’ Admittedly though, she would have been right about the ‘dirt’ portion of that statement.

Anyway, in case you were thinking of watching Catwoman, I would urge you to instead spend that time flossing or better yet, checking for irregular moles. You’ll certainly have more fun.


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