Thursday, July 28, 2005

The sick cycle of time.

Today I was 15 minutes late to work.

Truth be told, I am usually late. I like to this that my almost guaranteed late factor has something to do with an inherent inner struggle-as far as I am concerned, everyone has one, and mine has a lot to do with the virtues of punctuality.

On one hand, I am not, how should I say this, "thrilled"about my corporate role in life. So when that alarm goes off in the morning I can't help but feel like my cozy bed is a much more welcoming prospect.

But then, I won't be able to afford my cozy bed if I DON'T go to work.

So I get up, and kind of hem and haw as time whittles away.

Each morning I convince myself that I can push that snooze for ten more minutes and I will have enough time.

When will I learn, that for me, there is never enough time.

Meanwhile, I am such a goody-goody that I feel BAD when I am late.

It's a sick cycle I tell you.


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