Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I still love technology.

For the first time in a long time I decided to approach the subject of technology to my mother. Usually I intentionally avoid the topic because, bless her heart, my mother just can't get her hands around the concepts of an information highway or the ever-convoluted personal computer.

Over the past few years my brothers and I have lovingly typed up endless letters for her many committees. Then there was the infamous day when I futilely tried to explain to her the precept behind "Google." That's a few hours of my life that I can never get back.

Today over lunch I tried to explain what a blog is, and that I am now the proud host of my very own Super Secret online journal. She asked me to alert my dad so that she can see it, and then, after a brief pause asked if I might be able to sell her golf clubs via this website.


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