Thursday, June 02, 2005

I am very private.......

I was once a fiercely private person, coveting personal information like a treasured gem that only I could I have a blog. Don't ask me how a person can go from one to the other so quickly. Call it an evolution of self, or maybe I'm just really narcissistic.

So I guess the first step is coming to terms with my public self-the way I wish to present myself to the masses. Should I cleverly conceal names to protect the innocent and, more importantly, avoid lawsuits? Or should I brazenly record the events of my life revealing all and embarrassing many? HA HA.

Since money is tight-and there's really not that much going on, I will go with the former.

Speaking of money, I am now living on my own in a lovely little apartment in Milwaukee's downtown. So I have been on my own for a few weeks now and I am pretty much settled in. I have a new fish, garage sale furniture(well it's new to me), a new found appreciation for the Rubix Cube, and a new crush on a man who-will come to be known in this blog as "Rico Suave." More on that later.


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